So today I came thisclose to be homeless. I was looking at my walls with my paintings and thinking, "I am going to have to take those down and put them where?"
I spent all day trying to work things out and at about 5:30pm they finally did. I still have a home.
I still plan to be homeless at the end of July though. I have to say as the day gets darker I am getting more and more afraid of the unknown. Stephen King has fear down so right, the scariest things are the things we do not know. How can we prepare for something we don't know? If I know for a fact that under my bed is a monster, I can make some plans to deal with that.
So tomorrow I have another interview, probably my 5th, over the phone. I want the job, I'd be so awesome at it...but I don't have high hopes. This is because I don't think anyone really wants to hire a voice. Which sucks because my in person self is so bangin'.